Coloring & Conversations: How to Talk to Your Kids about Boundaries
We are excited to announce the release of our Child Rescue Coalition coloring pages, made possible by the Leslie L Alexander Foundation. Coloring pages are a wonderful way to connect with your children without screens, and broach subjects that aren’t always easy to discuss.
These coloring pages are ideal for teaching kids about their bodies and body empowerment in a fun way that isn’t scary. You can have amazing conversations with your children while coloring and asking open-ended questions.
As part of our coloring pages release, we would like to introduce you to a new character, Bobby Bunny! Did you know that a police officer is called a Bobby in England? Named after the creator of the first organized police service in London in 1829!

Here are some conversation starters you might find helpful when having these important talks with your kids while you are coloring.

Private Parts
Everywhere your bathing suit covers is private.
For girls, private areas that are covered by bathing suits are your vagina, buttocks, and breasts.
For boys, private areas that are covered by bathing suits are your penis and buttocks.
You are the boss of your body, nobody should ask to see, take pictures or touch it.
You can say no if you don’t like how someone is touching, tickling or hurting you.
It doesn’t matter if the person touching you is a family member, doctor, teacher or anyone at all. You still get to pick if it’s okay to touch you.
Tell a trusted adult if someone makes you feel uncomfortable.
A Trust Exercise
Draw someone you trust and draw someone you think is dangerous.
What makes you trust a person?
Who are other people you trust?
It’s good to tell people you trust your feelings.
Who are the people you can tell your stories to?
How do you know who to tell stories to?
It’s important to only trust people we know in real life.
Tricky People
What makes someone dangerous?
Not all dangerous people look scary.
Have you ever met someone where you felt uncomfortable?

Why Coloring?
Having important conversations with your little ones while doing activities side-by-side is a great way to get them comfortable and talking. It isn’t as intimidating as sitting them down to have a face-to-face talk, and allows them to think creatively about the questions you are asking them.
Serious conversations while doing things that aren’t serious, like coloring, keeps the lines of communication open. It takes the pressure off of the need for eye contact, especially when discussing topics that might feel uncomfortable.
Coloring is a fun way to be mindful and be in the moment with your kids. It’s not as distracting as screens and mixing up the speed and intensity of coloring is helpful for processing big feelings.
What do I do if my child discloses abuse?
We have helpful resources on our website to help discern if your child is being targeted online and what to do if your child has been contacted by a predator. We also interviewed a psychologist about how to prevent abuse, read these tips here and be proactive to protect the ones that you love.
A Word of Thanks
We are so thankful to the Leslie L Alexander Foundation for helping us provide this opportunity for kids and their parents to connect and have conversations that really matter. These conversations may just save a child from abuse.
Which coloring pages will you pick to play with your kids?
Just click the link and download the PDFs for some coloring fun.